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Wives, Girls Friends, Mistresses--the Real Things

Dear Editor: I liked No. 1 of TRANSVESTIA very much and so did my "Bessie". I liked your fine editorial,

the stories and the information.

I answered two of the

ads and told them where I saw the advertising.

I would like to make one thing clear: I know that many males write to magazines and sign female names, but I am a real 100% female woman and when you have your picture section (which I hope will be soon) I will send you pictures of myself to prove it.

I am going to write a true story for the public- ation as soon as I am able. My story will have to be a serial since I have a lot to tell. I think the best title for it will be, "My Man is a 'Panty-Waist"! Per- haps I should put a question mark after the word "man" but I love, after he has had a bit of "special attention". But he is still a masculine male and that makes my plan and duty all the more fun!

The story in No. 1 about "Miss Draft Dodger" re- minded me a little of my Bessie's situation in that the war and Bessie's war record are touched upon in my story. I have two girl friends who were in the two leading military services in the war and their feelings about my Bessie are most intense. They both read this "Miss Draft Dodger" and they had very fixed opinions about "Lilly". They had all sorts of dire things that they would have done with and to him, such as putting him into a women's army camp to work in petticoats un- der the case I know about that happened in Wales....but that is another story.

I am thankful that your publication is clean. I would not contribute to anything that was no and TRANS- VESTIA is logical, sensible and most educational. I know more women would subscribe to it if they once saw what it is and what its objectives are. I shall do my best to "expose" other girls to this fine publication. The Best to You

(Continued on Page 55)
